.gent domain name
This new gTLD aims to promote the city of Gent (Belgium).
It is dedicated to local economic actors, inhabitants, associations or any project related to the city.
Register your .gent domain name
Included with every domain
The .GENT is open to everyone without condition.
.GENT domain names are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis.
In order to transfer your domain name to Netim, you must disable transfer protections and obtain the authorisation code from your current Registrar.
The transfer may take several days.
When the transfer is finalised, a year is added to the expiry date of the domain name.
To change the holder, you must first go through an authentication process.
To that end, validation emails will be sent to both current and future domain holders.
After a period of 5 days, the request will be cancelled.
The domain expiration date is not affected by the transfer process.
The .gent extension does not support special characters.
Netim is an accredited registrar
By choosing an accredited Registrar, you avoid middlemen which in turn gives you access to lower prices and makes domain registration, as well as other operations, quicker.